CSG performed building plan review for all structures and construction inspection for the associated infrastructure for this estimated $220 million project. The project includes redevelopment of a 20-acre portion of the 25.9-acre Lincoln Centre Life Sciences Research Campus in northeastern Foster City previously developed with seven buildings that were demolished for development of this project.
CSG was responsible for building plan review for this project which will create a new biomedical and life sciences research facility in a campus-like development. The project includes four new buildings ranging from two-to-seven stories and totaling up to 595,000 gross square feet of floor space. Three of the buildings, or 555,000 square feet, are devoted to office and laboratory space. The fourth building, with 40,000 square feet will provide employee and visitor amenities. The project also includes shared outdoor spaces with various recreational amenities, three open-air parking structures with up to five levels of parking each, and an on-site circulation system composed of an external loop road connected to an interior access roadway.
CSG was also responsible for field inspection, office engineer services, and assistant project management services for the infrastructure associated with this project. Work included inspection of the installation of 29 bio-retention areas; a chill-water piping system; sidewalks; curb & gutter; ADA improvements; and underground wet utilities including water, storm drain, and sewer. The utility work included the trenching and installation of approximately 3,600 linear feet (LF) of gravity sewer mains and laterals; 11,500 LF of gravity and force main storm drain lines; 4,000 LF of combined domestic, fire, and irrigation lines; and 1,800 LF of chill-water piping system. CSG staff ensured that all utilities were constructed in accordance with the City of Foster City Standards and Specifications. CSG also provided inspection of the demolition phase of this project, including removal or abandonment of water, storm drain, and sewer lines per the project’s geotechnical specifications.