Civil & Structural Design

Delivering plans, specifications & estimates (PS&E) and additional support for a wide range of infrastructure projects.


CSG provides a full range of street improvement design services from inception to construction completion, including plan-line studies, conceptual design studies and improvement plan bid packages, and support during construction.

Our Services

  • Complete Streets
  • Bike & pedestrian paths and trails
  • Safe Routes to Schools
  • Green infrastructure
  • Roundabouts
  • Traffic calming
  • ADA compliance
  • Intersections
  • Street signals & lighting
  • Roadway improvements

Pavement Rehabilitation

Utilizing Metropolitan Transportation Commission StreetSaver software for pavement condition evaluation and pavement program management, we specialize in the identification and cost-effective design and implementation of pavement maintenance and rehabilitation strategies. We are experienced in utilizing a variety of surface treatments in our design solutions, including crack seals, slurry seals, chip seals, and specialty seals involving rubberized asphalt, micro-surfacing, asphalt concrete overlays and in-place recycling.

Our Services

  • Program prioritization
  • Field investigation and assessment
  • Pavement treatment recommendation
  • Pavement PS&E preparation

Utility Improvements

CSG provides design services and program management for underground water, storm water and sewer pipeline projects and support facilities. We have the expertise and resources to partner effectively with local agency staff, successfully deliver capital improvement projects, and implement master plan objectives. Our design team is experienced developing PS&E packages which have incorporated a variety of pipe rehabilitation and replacement methods, including traditional open cut installation, cured-in-place-pipeliner (CIPP), pipe bursting, jack-and-bore pipe installation, and invert paving and repair.

Our Services

  • Water systems design, including condition assessment, capacity improvement and PS&E preparation
  • Sanitary sewer system design, including condition assessment, capacity improvement, rehabilitation and PS&E preparation
  • Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) development, updating and auditing
  • Support of agency compliance with Regional Water Quality Control Board or Non-Governmental Organization requirements and Consent Decrees
  • Stormwater management, including drainage system design, condition assessment, enhancement, rehabilitation and PS&E preparation
  • Rule 20 Undergrounding projects coordination, assessment and PS&E preparation

Public Facilities & Structures

CSG assists public agencies with initial design, upgrades and modifications of public infrastructure and facilities.

Our Services

  • Public parks
  • Bridges & retaining walls
  • Stairways
  • Water tanks
  • Buildings & ADA compliance
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