CSG provided complete construction management services including a resident engineer, assistant resident engineer, and construction inspection for this complete street project in the City of Marina which received the 2014 Transportation Excellence Award from the Transportation Agency of Monterey County. The Reservation Road Improvement Project was a collaborative effort between the City of Marina, the Monterey Peninsula Regional Parks District (MPRPD), and the Coastal Commission to improve vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle access through this gateway into Central Marina. With a grant from the Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District and further funding through Public Facility Impact Fees, the $2.4 million project provided two new roundabouts at the Reservation Road intersections with Seaside Circle and Lake Drive. These were the first two modern roundabouts of their kind designed & constructed in the Monterey Peninsula. Along with the two roundabouts, project improvements also included new pedestrian crossings at the roundabout intersections, improved bicycle access throughout the project site, as well as new pedestrian facilities (concrete sidewalk) connecting Central Marina to the Marina Branch Library and Beach Road Shopping Center.